From Czech autumn to African rain season
First of all: Welcome to our new website.
Here you can read all about our adventures in the blogs. You can find here information about the presentations we give in schools, senior houses and culture houses. There will be posted pictures of our trips and new updates every time there are new ones :-)
It is autumn! Even though the weather is still hot, the schools have already started. Most people show the last pictures of their holiday online and the normal routines are back. But... not for us. Yes, we have been traveling a lot during the summer. From a bike trip trough The Netherlands to gorgeous Budapest and a lots of visiters in between. As you are reading this we are planning our next trip to......
Bike trip trough The Netherlands
Because I am From The Netherlands we went to take a look in a typical Dutch way. We took our bikes, got a bike trailer and drove in 10 days around 500 km. We tried to visit as many interesting places as possible. A fun way for us to do so was by visiting friends and family through all of the country. That way we could catch up with them and visit important and touristic places. We have been to Kinderdijk, Keukenhof, Den Haag with her palaces and many more places. We ate stroopwafels, hagelslag and even kibbeling. Soon the presentation about this trip will be ready. By that time you can read about it more! Above all we were very thankful for our friends and family who opened up their hearts and houses for us.
Gorgeous Budapest
Last year Vojta has been very busy organising a big conference in the capital of Hungary: Budapest. During the year he had to go there quite often so we decided to go sometimes all together. This summer was the summer of the conference. So we all took the train and went to our hotel. Since Vojta was working most of the time. I took the chance to go and discover the city with Joshua. So we went to the Miniversum. A place where you could see 1300 meter of miniature rail tracks and 14 different towns. On another day we went to Margit Island. This is an island in the middle of Budapest. There are playgrounds, `singing fountains` and even a small zoo. If you ever want to go there, we can recommend hotels, activities and foods to try.
Our next goal is to go from the end of October until the end of November to Rwanda. Vojta has been there in 2014. This time we want to go there as a family. Not only to see the beautiful country but also to mean something in the communities of the places we go to. When Vojta was there the first time he made some friends who work with orphans and widows. Since they have a hard time to survive, we plan to bring food, clothes and other necessities. We will buy them in the local shops. A few of our other plans are to visit schools, an HIV- project, orphans, widows and see if we can mean something for them on the long term. Of course we want to check out the nature, waterfalls, wild life and volcano as well.
It will all be extra exciting because we are expecting our second baby, a boy! The baby will be born in March 2019.