What to pack when you travel with kids?

Because we travel a lot with small children I often get questions about the practical part of traveling with kids. How to pack? What to pack? So I thought let me write my tips and tricks down in case there are more (missionary) families looking for ideas. The funny thing is I almost pack the same things for 3 months in Africa as for a weekend away with our grandmother in Prague.
We like to pack light. Everything you take you have to be able to carry inclusive at times the kids. Usually, I take for each person one backpack that is small enough to go as hand luggage. Depending on how much luggage we are allowed to take I often take 2 big suitcases of +/-23Kg.
We also take a travel stroller and a baby carrier. I have a fanny waist pack and on the backpack, we add some neckpillows. We all have our jackets (Soft shells) around our waist and the kids have a cap on their head.
How I divide the bags:
Joshua = Snackbag
We try not to overeat while traveling because of bad sleep and sitting all day. But with two boys who are always hungry, we do have to have some proviant at hand. Especially if you don't know when exactly you will arrive. And all parents know; that tired and hungry kids make traveling way harder instead of fun:-)
Some basics I pack are:
Bread/sandwiches ( prepared before, I put cheese, jam, egg and Nutella on it)
Biscuits and cookies(Piscotti)
Lollies and chewing gum (good for take-off and landing)
Apples, cucumber, baby carrots, paprika, fruit snacks
Nuts and other little snacks.
Sometimes I will add some instant noodles, just in case.
Brian = Extra clothes
My worst nightmare is to arrive and all our bags are lost. In case that would happen Brian is to the rescue with extra outfits rolled up in his bag so we have at least one spare of underwear, socks, shirts, pants, and sweaters. If you fly from a cold to a hot country or opposite it is also good to change and refresh at the airport.
Victoria = Baby bag and entertainment
Diapers, wipes, and tissues, When she was really small I would add some formula for at least 3 days. Pacifier, hand sanitizer, hydrophilic cloth, and a towel or blanket.
Books, magic drawing board, pens and a small notebook to draw/write/play games in. A small lego set or kids' magazine.
Jeska = All that needs to go out at the douane
Electronics: charger, power bank, iPad, headphones
Medicines: Smecta, Nurofen, Paracetamol, thermometer, Glucopur, sunscreen, First aid package,
Liquids: Water, juice,
Hygiene: Shampoo and soap bar, my makeup, a small hairbrush, hair elastic, a sleep mask, a small deodorant, and perfume.
I might add a plastic cup, knife, fork, and spoon.
In my fanny waist pack: Passports, insurance, flight tickets, wallet, phone, pencil, hand sanitizer, wipes, sunglasses.
As you can see this would be even good to take with you when you go a weekend away. In our big suitcases go all of the extras. Clothes, towels, swimming stuff, some more medicines and toys. If we go on a longer trip I will add plates, cups, and utensils for everyone. A pocket knife and flashlight will also be added to the big bag. At the moment I am looking for a good water filter so if you know about one; tell me! Also, if you are a traveling family, please let me know what your packing tips and tricks are!
All in all, we like to keep a chill mindset when we are traveling:
- Make the trip fun, look around, walk/run/play as much as you can.
- Whatever you forgot you almost always can buy somewhere else.
- If the parents are chill, the kids will usually also be chill.
- A crying kid on the airplane is not nice but you know, today it is us, tomorrow another family.
- You will probably never see the people from the airplane again. So be friendly and kind, helpful, and keep smiling. Traveling is a lot of waiting so be patient as well.
- In the end, it is an adventure we are looking for, and adventure is around every corner of the world!
Have fun travelers! Maybe we will see you out there, somewhere in the world!
P.S. If you ever wonder where Vojta's bags are, he is a very professional packer for himself and if we have any extras or for example the jackets and caps, he has space in his bag :-)