Mission in Rwanda
On Thursday we are leaving the place we stay at and going to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Saturday we will already fly back to the Czech Republic.
Last week God put on our heart to organize a workshop about evangelism. About 40 people came, we could train them, pray for them and also practically try it out. We practiced a theater skit and they showed it to the people. On Thursday we took them out to reach remote houses. We prepaired 100 bags of bread with each a Bible verse. In groups of 4 people we went to bring the bread as a gift to 100 different families to show the love of Jesus and to bless them. Almost every time the people invited us home and we could also pray for them. They were suprised and very happy. It was very succesfull. Even now people are contacting us and thanking for the gift. All the christians who delivered the bread loved it and want to repeat it.
That's not all... While we were here, some friend of us has sent us 2000 Kč, so we could pay 60 bags of bread with Bible verses for the poor, 2 mattresses for two old widows. Here many people sleep just on a bed made of banana leaves. And we could also provide 4 families with a new Bibles.
For a little bit of money you can already help a lot. Thank you!
Before we came we knew God wanted us to look for a possibility to not only help temporary but also to think about a plan for the long term. We decided together with the pastor we work with that we will support the idea he has. We will invest into building a bakery. In this region live more than 22 000 people and there is no bakery. Now the bread has to come from far away. The bakery could provide jobs for 40 people. The bakery can help on the long term to solve some main problems in the area, such as poverty, health and hygienic. Not only do we want the bakery to feed people physically but the idea is to put every week a different Bible verse on the bags of the bread. This way people can receive also spiritually and all the profit would go to do regularly evangelization activities. They can bring the bread with Bible verses to remote houses and offer them a prayer. Some leftovers would always be given to poor individuals.
We believe that this can help the people here for longer term.
The bakery with all the equipment would cost only around 8000,- euros.
Thank you for your support, prayers and encouraging messages!
Lots of love,
Family Trčkovi